Tuesday 15 January 2013

Today has been tough and yes I have been naughty but isn't that life ???

Hey there Loverly person who has taken time out of thier day to read my ramblings.

Today has been a bit tough. Today is the day of my "mother's" funeral and since I couldn't attend it, it being in Australia and me being in Devon, Himself and I did our own thing down at the river instead. Needless to say today was not a very good foody day. Not because I cheated but because I jsut didn't want to eat.

Brekky was a chore and the thought of putting my head into gear and actually cooking was really not on today's agenda. Help was at hand with some choccy soy pots and choccy soy milk. Brekky of champions I say. It was for me this morning anyways. One thing that I love about them is that I don't end up with that horrid mucousy bloated feeling after eating them. For me that was always the issue and having to ignore it so I could get down the nomminess that choccy milk tends to have.

When we got back from the river I felt the need to pick. I'm not really that good at sitting down with a whole meal I never really have been. Probably because of the whole meat sweats thing and the bloated feelings afterwards. Although this seems to be dissipating somewhat since I changed my diet, today was not the exception. So I broke out the last of my rice cakes and slathered marmite all over them. Yeah well love it or hate it that is your choice. Me, I don't care where it is from or what variety it is I am addicted and always have been and no doubt always will be. For this afternoon it hit the spot. That kinda crunchy knowledge of safe food feeling that gives you a hug at the same time as you curl up under your blankey to watch "Triple D" and make your wish list of places to go when the opportunity. Although I have to admit as much as I would LOVE more than anything to visit these places the amount of pain I would be in after indulging, I would have to think seriously about whether it is worth it or not.

Yes I am still deciding !!!! 

Anywhoo, this evening Himself and I have decided it is probably a very good idea to actually eat something proper this evening. I figure I may as well get in the kitchen and rustle something up. In all honesty though really don't feel like it. Would be just as happy curling up and having a bucket of coffee instead and pretending like I actually had dinner. However I decided to be good. Not good enough to go from scratch but good enough to chuck a whole lot of stuff I made with stuff someone else made and make it into something. Yeap that just about covers it.

Our fridge at the moment looks like a desert. A desert of lots of open packets and left over this and that. Lucky for me I am the Queen of left overs and am able to very quickly put together a bunch of this and that to resemble something along the lines of a Chunky Veggie Mince Bolognaise or there abouts. You see Saturday I had wonderful friends come to visit so I made a Ratatouille as part of the Veggie options. I had plenty left so after cooking off some Onion, Carrot and Celery, I tossed in Garlic, Veggie Mince and diced the last 2 rashers of the Fakin Bacon and chucked that in and then dumped in the left over Ratatouille. Sorted!!! 

I thought to myself this would go great with rice or pasta. Then I looked in the cupboard. Yeap I had my Mother Hubbard moment and realised it was bare. I did manage to remember though that we had a couple of big potatoes so in the oven they went to bake and here I am writing this with little more than a loverly waft of a smell floating through the house. 

Of course by the time you read this it will have piccies and I shall have scoffed my dinner so worry not I haven't forgotten those who need to see.

2 hours later.....

Well you aren't going to believe this but I am going to tell you anyway. Before Himself went out I turned off the stove all i left on was the oven with the Jackets in there, but the hob was all turned off and I KNOW it was turned off because the light was out. Popping onto FB for a moment I started talking to a dear friend and decided to call her. When I got intot he living room it was filled with smoke. I ran into the kitchen to find that filled with smoke and my dinner was burnt to within an inch of its life!!!!

Just to prove here is the pic !!!

Pretty heinous huh !!??!!

So that put paid to that little adventure and to be quite honest I can't be bothered trying again now. It seems the wicked pixies are at it again in my kitchen and I am not best pleased!!!

As I write this I am now sitting here munching on a celery stick being dipped in veggie gravy because quite frankly I am NOT going back intot hat kitchen tonight.

Sorry to end on such a note but I think today for me is a bit of a write off, to be expected I suppose but hey ho, tomorrow is another day and we can try again then. Until then take it easy. don't beat yourself up if you are having a bad one, these things happen to the best of us, because at the end of the day we are but hooman well that's the theory anyways.

Tomorrow I am playing with Soybeans and having a bash at making a few things like my own Soymilk and other such lushious bits and pieces.

Oh and yes I have found another  interesting little titbit for us when it comes to labelling. In an effort to find out if the Veggie Mince had wheat in it, I decided it would be a very good idea to read the label. Something I probably should have done at the beginning before purchasing. This is what I found ....
On one hand the ingredients list shows no mention of Wheat at all. However in the Allergy advice it does. I will be calling the company int he morning to find out exactly what this means. my theory at this point is that it is made in a factory that also makes items with Wheat in them. Until this is clarified tomorrow I can't be entirely sure. I haven't had any adverse effects from it, to be honest however I burnt most of it and have had less than a handful of the entire packet so probably not enough to actually do any damage should it have been labelled incorrectly. Either way answers tomorrow.

Until then

xox Love and Light xox

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