Saturday 19 January 2013

Day 7 ~ A Day for Soup and the Discovery That We Need a New Camera

Day 7

Wow has it honestly been a week already???

Well it has been a heck of a week and not one I'd like to repeat in a hurry. However I have to say that this week has taught me alot. It has taught me that if you love someone it is ok not to like them. If you like someone you don't always have to agree with them and finally that jsut because you promise yourself or someone else something that you are going to do, it doesn't mean you haven't done it if you pass the job to someone else and you have to forgive yourself and see the bigger picture as well. Sometimes you passing that job onto someone better qualified for the task is your way of keeping that promise so you really can't feel guilty forever.

This morning I woke up and had a massive side effect to this who vegan wheat free thing. My pj's literally almost fell off me. No what i mean by that is I have to hold them up to walk, move or wiggle. Now I am not a little tiny thing and never truly have been but this is new and I do appreciate it. I don't see any reason to become stick thin which is the stereo-typical look for vegans. For one I would look terrible!!! and for two there is no need for it. When there is such a balanced diet out there there is absolutely no need to look like a skellington. For me in particular I wouuld look awful, my body isn't made to be skinny. Never has been and never will be. I like my curves. My curves likes me too !!!

Anywhoo I figured after all that i should do something about food. Our stores are down right now. Without much of a way until the end of the week to do much about it so what I do have is going to have to make bigger meals and go further. This task is always easier if you have rice or something to mix with everything but when I say our stores are low I mean rock bottom and to be honest I am worried. Hey ho stuff happens and we get on with things.

So today i decided to make a Honey Roast Pumpkin Soup and some Oaty Hotcakes to go with it. The soup is something I have loved making for years. However I have mostly made it with cream up until now so I decided today to try making it with some of the Raw Soy Milk left over from yesterdays milk making session. This was so that I could condense the flavours of the soup 3 times and add new flavours at each stage. It worked too. If I had added the cooked Soy Milk the chances are it would have split and I really didn't want that to happen.

Oh the Oaty Hotcakes btw are simples. Just use raw oats and blitz them with some cornflour in the food processor  until you have a powder. Something a little like that breakfast cereal they pass off as smooth porridge. then add your soymilk or rice milk or almond milk whichever you choose you prefer. Just remember though that the Oats will soak up the liquid very quickly.

Oh I would show you pics and hopefully one day I will add them in, only we have had a mishap, Himself's phone is our camera and for some reason it has decided it is no longer talking to the pc. I think they might have had a tiff so we are going to leave them alone to work it out between then and if they don't, we shall have to have a mediation session with the two of them and get them to work things out in a way that they can work together!!!

Anyway enough of my rambling for one evening. Time for my pit me thinks.

Have a great day

xox Love and Light xox

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