Monday 14 January 2013

Day 1 ~ I know I said I'm not a rabbit but my purse says otherwise !!!

Ok so Day 1...

Here we are and yes it's Monday. Due to things happening around here I am in absolutely no mood to really do any experimenting. In fact if I wasn't given "the look" from Himself eating wouldn't be on the menu at all. I got away with pj's though Yay ME!!!

So brekky, I have never really been a cereal person. The thought of soggy things in my mouth makes me want to gag. I did however last year rediscover porridge but it was something I could only bring myself to eat occasionally. I was also brought up in a house where a cooked breakfast was the norm. I always made sure that my kids had a cooked breakfast with the options of cereal and fruti as well. No I truly am no saint and at the same time I did breakfast I used to put the meat on for dinner that way there was no waiting later on. Of course living in Australia for many years it was way too hot to cook later in the day as well.

The last couple of years I have been able to decide whether I could be bothered or not to eat breakfast and quite frankly the answer has been No I Can't. I have had to think about this more recently though. The thing that convinced me that my body needed to eat more regularly was pulling all nighters to get work finished in time for Christmas deliveries. by morning I was starving to the point where my stomach was literally eating itself, not quite as bad as those in 3rd world countries but enough to make me understand that if my body doesn't eat for 12 hours it is truly going to make me pay for it. Dry heaving is not pleasant but definately a self inflicted consequence.

So this morning I decided to be sensible. This for me meant I really needed a proper cooked breakfast. Since bacon and eggs are off the menu I had to think about what I was going to do. I used to be the breakfast chef at a restaurant in Canberra where they serve the most wonderful veggie breakfast and I thought well why not. So I did. So into my pan went mushrooms and faking bacon. and into a side pan went some gorgeous fresh zucchini with garlic "butter". To be honest I was a bit worried about the "bacon" the one that the leading brand makes to be honest is horrid and dry and is like picking your teeth with a piece of card. However I found myself a generic brand the other day and it works beautifully. I am not entirely sure it is wheat free but I had no major issues with it later on. I will recheck this later however just in case.

So day starting well and very happy to have it go along the way it did. not feeling much like doing very much today but got on with some poster designs etc for work so I could at least feel a little like I was doing something with my time.

2pm came around all too quickly and that knawing feeling was attacking me viciously. I really didn't want to go to any effort, so as luck would have it there was salad left over from Saturday in the fridge saying to me all I need are some warm mushies. So that is what I did. Thick sliced muchrooms with thyme, onion and some balsamic vinegar and it was great!!!

I know it probably doesn't look as fabbytastic as it actually tasted but I really didn't care. Mind you all those loverly fresh colours really did bounce about alot better in life than in this picture and I made a discovery. I actually like red peppers better than green ones. I'm not sure I had really paid that much attention before to the difference in flavours of the different colours, but they are there and very distinctive if you take the time to find out.

This afternoon was pretty uneventful. I spent a little time in reflection over the events of the last few days and thinking about my family in Australia as they gather around each other over the next couple of days. It is good to know sometimes that no matter how far away they are and how far apart you have been that there is always a chance to put things to rights and start afresh again.

Of course this evening I had to think about Himself. No matter what happens around here dinner is a together thing, which can be interesting when you have to consider he is the opposite of me. Himself has Chrones and the kind of Chrones wheere veggies for the most part are out of bounds. His doctor calls it the teenage diet. I call it the carnivores dream hahaha. It did all work out though. I have to admit I have been a little addicted to the foody channels again over the last couple of days, especially the Asian style food shows. Coupling that with something Nigel Slater did with greens I decided on my dinner of choice.
Fresh Mixed Greens with Vegetarian Oyster Sauce.
Can I just say before everyone jumps down my throat for over cooking the veg. I was taken away from my dinner before this was taken to check on some emails. So it continued to cook itself. It was alot greener before hand!!!

Yes I know as well that Vegetarian Oyster Sauce is a bit of an oxymoron but it is out there and available at Asian Grocery Stores and Health Food Shops etc. or even the internet. Just look for it it is so worth it. 

I am on a bit of a Mushroom bender today. Possibly because they are what I have and I don't have alot in the way of veg protien just now in the house. Also possibly why I am on the rabbit thing jsut now. Of course that's my excuse and I am sticking to it but we all know I am just having a lazy one just now.

I have however in my cupboard at the moment some Soybeans which I will be making into milk and other bits and pieces in the next couple of days when I get a bit better on track. Yes I will share what I do as this is what we are all about.

I know today hasn't been all live action but some days it truly isn't and today is one of those days. The other issue right now is funds and right now I can afford the veg but getting hold of the additions is something I will have to take a week at a time for now. Having one person who can only eat Meat, Dairy and Wheat and one who can have everything else can lead to some interesting shopping choices. It also can make it difficult on the budget side of things. We are managing at the moment though thankfully. Being as I tend to make everything from scratch helps too. Less processed items to purchase.

I know everyone says it is cheaper to eat healthy but let me tell you something. NO IT ISN'T. It is highly expensive and can cause great issues to families on lower incomes. So before any of you start judging those with packets of chicken nuggets and chips in thier trolley think about the cost of them versus the cost of the chicken breast and the potatoes and I think you will have a bit of a shock. Especially if you price up organic and free range.

Right now I am a rabbit and proud to be one. Soon as we get more organised this will change. In the mean time my journey is a basic one and one I can handle in my everyday life and budget.

Anywhoo enough of my ranting. Have a wonderful day and just remember....

xox Love and Light to all xox

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