Thursday 17 January 2013

Day 5 ~ It's fixin' to be a blizzard out there!!!

Hey there anyone who is out there reading this ramble of mine.

Yesterday was hard but we shall draw a line under it and start again. Today I haven't been a good girl and I am paying for it in spades.

Due to not feeling like cooking yesterday but being forced to make the decision to eat. I hot the local shop after the bread was marked down and got a loverly cob loaf.... yes it was loverly and yes I am now paying for the fact that I ate it. *whispers behind hand* with goat's cheese.

So ok yes I have been bad, I have my own consequences to that. Those I have to live with. As i said yesterday this is a blog about my journey. Not the destination and not my life as a saint because I really am not one in anyway shape or form. I am just human like everyone else.

Tonight however I feel a little better. Maybe it is because we have snow coming or maybe because I had an hour long chat with my real mum this morning and talking about her and my son coming over for Kissmass this year which would be AWESOME!!!!

Perhaps it was even because I have made a decision not to tolerate anyones game playing any more no matter how close to each other we are. Sometimes you have to protect yourself to be able to get on with things, get stronger and heal before dealing with thier crap. Yeah I said it Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap !!! my blog you don't like it go read Storytime With the Fluffy Bunnies!

This evening it is eerily quiet, no ambiant sound is around and town is feeling like it is about to dump 10 tonne of snow on our heads.  Which apparently it is at about 3am !!! YAY!!! I am very excited about this I love the snow. More than anything in life that can drop on our heads it is up there with autumn leaves for me.

So there we have it I feel better so I start taking better care of me. This means I popped into the local shop and found a wonderful pot of Thai Veg Curry. Yes it was marked down but hey that meant I could afford to grab some Soy Milk as well. Yes I know I am supposed to be making it. I figure since the snow is about to hit that will give me something to do during the blizzard. It also means I can have a cup of coffee now without doing more harm to myself.

Tis a good plan !!!

This evenings agenda is play a few games, warm up my Thai Curry and sit in front of Triple D and slob out for the evening. No more beating myself up because I had a bad couple of days. Plan for the next few days depending on the weather and get back on the preverbial horse.

So thank you for your understanding.  Thankyou for reading my ramblings and thankyou just for being you.

xox Love and Light xox 

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