Friday 18 January 2013

Day 6 ~ Three ways with Soybeans and ripped off by the snow maker.

Hello Loverlies.

Last night or rather this morning I was poking my nose at the window like an excited puppy until I saw the first flurries of snow. 1.30am I finally got dragged off to bed. Happy times, it was soooo pretty I couldn't bring myself away from the window. Needless to say I woke up 10 minutes before I was due at the charity shop and slip slided my way through the sluch to get there on time.

This was the view out of my front door this morning.

 Awesomely pretty. Almost gone now though. Booooo!!!

Anywhoo after spending the morning in my favourite shop in the world I felt more like my old self again. Bout time I reckon!!!

Thankfully I felt able to tackle the kitchen and get onto the making of the Soymilk. The great thing about making Soymilk is that it doesn't have any of the additives that other brands do. Mine is a traditional recipe that is just the beans and water. Not hard I can tell you.

Basically all you do is soak your beans over night and then how ever many beans you have use 4 times the amount of water. Not I tried something different today. Instead of using the food processor and doing cup sized batches I put the whole lot in the pot and used the hand blitzer wand thingy. Much better result!!! Smoother grits and a thicker milk. Loads and loads of froth to scoop off the top as well. You have to remember to do this otherwise it makes the milk go weird.

In the past I have always found it difficult to find something to do with the froth. The grits are easy there are hundreds of things to do with those. The froth however has always felt like a waste. I hate waste, there is no need for it. Today feeling all adventurous and finally hungry I mixed it in with my stirfry to make up the base of the sauce.
The great thing about this is that caught in the froth were little bits of the grits and the froth melts into a thinner consistency of Soymilk making a loverly base for a quick stirfry with ginger, garlic and chilli. It was just what the quack ordered and I felt much better after it. Protein hit was very satisfied and not feeling bloated after eating is great. Strange but great. 

I know some of you may understand my last statement and some of you may not. At Christmas it is known as "turkey belly" most other times "meat sweats" neither are comfortable and neither are fun. You sleep like a python after it has consumed a sheep. You wake up a couple of hours later finding it very hard to move. For people like me with IBS you lay there curled up in a ball for a goodly few hours trying to beg forgiveness from your tummy promising you will never do it again. Kind of like the morning after a night on the town. 

It does take some getting used to not feeling that way after every meal. You almost get so used to it that not feeling it can be equated with still being hungry, but you truly aren't. You get to the point where instead you are so full you could puke and that is much nastier. Trust me. Anyone who is doing what I am doing has done it. Yes including me. It is not attractive. Once you have made the connection with what you are doing though something clicks and when you have eaten your brain finally learns to say. "You are actually done now". 

I had a massive win today. Apart from being able to eat and realise what was happening. I made 3 things from one teeny bag of Soy Beans. Not only did I make the Soymilk, as a result I ended up with nearly 2 Kilos of Soy Grits AND I even by accident, first time ever, made Yuba. Boy did I do a dance when I realised I had made my very first ever proper sheet of Yuba. 

For those who don't know about Yuba it is the skin that forms on the top of the Soy Milk when it is cooling. Kind of like the skin on custard. Only this stuff can be used like Spring Roll Wrappers. I realise that I only have one but hey it is a start and I am proud of it. I am even thinking of using it tonight to make something for myself with as part of dinner. or maybe I will save it and dry it ready for when I have others to add to it. I am still deciding. Either way it is my first Yuba and I am sooo proud of it. I might even call it George! HAHAHAHA!!!

Right so here is the picture of my 3 triumphs today. Soy Milk in the bowl on the left. Soy Grits in the bowl on the right and "George" the Yuba on the plate at the bottom.

Oh and the other best thing about making your own Soy Milk, You can turn it into Tofu without much hassle. Project for tomorrow me thinks whilst making some bits for work as well.

It feels good to be getting back on track. 

Have a great day 

xox Love and Light xox 

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