Sunday 20 January 2013

Day 8 ~ I am seriously considering hibernation as an option.

Hey there Loverlies

Am here today wrapped in my pj's and blankey and with hot soup and stuffs even piched Himself's slippers and I am still freezing.

I don't think it would be so bad if it was actually snowing, or even if the snow was still on the ground. But its not and there isn't so we are freezing for nothing. Apart from the fact it is winter and that tends to be the reason for everyone freezing themselves to death in January at the top end of the world. Of course hearing from my family that they are boiling and that the internet has been down due to the heat waves doesn't help. If anything it proves I am where I should be cos there is no way on earth I could cope with the heat like that.

Today I have had to think really hard about what I have been able to do. Partly because my fingers are so frozen that slicing and dicing are off the books. The other reason is a little scarier. Our gas and electric are nearing when we need to top them up so we are saving them for emergencies and doing everything all at once to make sure everything is done as it should be. You see here in the UK we still have Pre Paid Electric and Gas meters. Not in all homes but definately in ours. So if we have no money for top ups it doesn't get topped up. Due to me playing in the kitchen yesterday I can't do it today. Not until Himself is home and then we need to decide how we are cooking dinner stove top or oven.

We aren't the only ones having to make this decision especially whilst the snow is about. Gas heating costs £2 per hour to run. Electric storage heaters cost around 80p per day each to run. As you can see this can add up very quickly and cause serious hardship in many homes. The issues we face right now are those which are faced due to people changing the reason they are our leaders. Up until the 50's our PM was a public Servant who happened to become prime minister ... thier career was in public service NOT politics. Now things are the other way around. WE are stuck with a bunch of over paid upper middle class morons who haven't a clue about the realities of life.

Well anyway enough of my rant, it's not like it will change anything especially where they are concerned.

So today stuck between a rock and a hard place. Really need to make hot food but unable to cook it for as long as required. Our wood fire apparently has been blocked up higher up the chimney so that is completely out as an option as well. Personally I feel this should not be allowed. If a house has a wood fire in it it should be kept up to code for times like this where people need them not only for heating as they are far more effective than radiators stuck on the wall hidden behind furniture, but also for cooking. If our wood fire was unblocked we would have a pot on it all day long ready for anyone who needed to grab a cup of something hot. even roasting food or making pie fillings or jacket spuds. All perfick for a wood fire.

Makes me wonder about Raw Foodists how they cope in winter. I could be quite happy going down that route in summer but no way in winter. eating warm food helps keep your body temp up from the inside out. I am sure they have thier side and that is fine but for me hot food is needed in winter.

Anywhoo I finally found some meals I had made before Kissmass last year so I defrosted them. Luckily being rice based they will quickly heat up either in the oven or even on the stove top if I toss them quickly on a high heat.

It just goes to show that saving left overs can be a life saver. It doesn't matter who you are or what your diet is.

Tonight's dinner then in my case is going to be what our family calls a "mickey" its a fried rice with veggie mince and any else you can find to chuck in. This one was one we made a while back to use up some old stock and soybeans and other bits and pieces. Sorry no pic again apparently the camera and the pc haven't as yet sorted out thier differences. Hopefully soon we can sort it out.

I do however really think that hobernation is the best option for me in winter though. I can't do alot because there really isn't much to do. I am constantly freezing and tired and grumpy. Me thinks there is something of the hibernator in me. Is all good though we are on the downhill stretch towards Spring and i even saw early primroses the other day, so not long to go.

Until tomorrow then

Take care of yourself

xox Love and Light xox

Oh and if you actually want me to write out some of these recipes let me know. I am always happy to share

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