Tuesday 22 January 2013

Day 10 ~ Wow double figures!!

Hey there Loverlies ...

So we/I have made it into double figures. I have to admit it has been hard but this is a good sign... I think if it had been too easy at the beginning I don't think I would have coped with any issue had it come up later on.

So yesterday was really hard... no food I thought in the cupboard. Loads of meat and cheese and bread and all the things I can't have but none of the things I could. So bleak is definately a word I would use to describe it.

I did however come out the other side. I found some TVP "chicken" chunks and made myself a chilli "chicken" mix and had that with spicy potato wedges. I made it look and taste as similar as what Himself had as I possibly could so I didn't feel as I was eating something completely different.

I think the big turn around point for me was making myself hot chocolate. Yeap Homemade SSoymilk with Dutch Cocoa Powder and  honey and spices just hit the "Thankyou Goddess" spot. After that the evening went pretty well. Leading to a pretty damn good day to be honest.

Although I don't have any bread of my own in the house I have managed to survive eating the noggins of Himself's bread.  Thankfully. Cos I am a toast addict. Of course as soon as payday rolls around I will be getting my own. Until then I will cope.

I did end up remembering that I made some soup earlier this week and there was some left, which was a good job really since it is absolutely freezing out there right now. I am convinced it wouldn't feel quite so cold if it was snowing. However it isn't and it is freeezing !!!

Tonight Himself has rehersals for alocal play so I am here playing on Facebook and plaiting fabric to make a rug for our living room / craft group room. Oh you didn't know I work here too. Oh yesh I do I am jsut taking some time out until February 1st to get my head back together then it is all systems go. Including re-vamping my other blog.  Oh you didn't know about that one either ???

Well it's here The Bloo Pixie and it is the things we get up to in craft groups and all sorts of recipes we are trying out and such like. With a healthy amount of ranting as well because it kind of goes hand in hand with crafting. You know sitting around with your friends and setting the world to rights.

Anyway that will be coming back too. Will I be getting rid of this one??? Not on your life!!!! This blog is about a more personal journey that I am taking right now. It is here for those who are like myself forced into a journey of changing everything they know and love and dramatically changing the way we eat. It is about being a little beacon that says You are Not Alone!!!

Anywhooo enough of my rants ... I am off to go plait some more fabric. I really want to get this rug finished for the living room. Then I can start the one for the hallway.

Anyway today is a good day. It has to be because we can't allow ourselves to stay in the funk forever. The candles run out and you end up burning your fingers on matches.

Have a great evening/day
Until Tomorrow

xox Love and Light xox

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