Thursday 24 January 2013

Day 12 ~ The Day Before Pay Day And A Lesson In Why I Am Doing This

 Hello Me Loverlies,

Today is the day before payday, and we well I am out of supplies. Not a good situation. Normally I would be ok after a week or two's detoxing off the meat, dairy and wheat to have a day where things could be a little more loose on the strings. 

Apparently not anymore. 

For anyone reading this for the first time. I have IBS. The kind of IBS that doesn't like it when you eat meat, dairy or wheat. In fact today it really hit home on how bad it has gotten. As I had run out of supplies and it is the day before payday, instead of being sensible and taking it easy and maybe hitting the soup I made a couple of days ago (even though it is boring to have the same thing a few days in a row) I made a spicy mince with cowboy pancakes. This mince was spicy enough Himself couldn't even cope. This was due in the most part to me accidently opening the cayenne in the wrong way (the dumper not the shaker) and not having anything to level out the flavours. 

I was going to just have a plain pancake .... but I didn't. Being the kind of person I am I gave Himself the plain one with homemade Blackberry Jam on it and me ... well I had the Spicy Mince and boy am I paying for it. 

I am now writing this desperately trying not to cry. I am also desperately trying not to curl up in a ball and sob like a little curl who has just had her favourite doll decapitated by an evil kid from down the road. (This actually happened so I know what I mean). 

I am going to get graphic in the next bit because this blog is about honesty. So if you can't cope with graphic detail. Go read the fluffy bunny bedtime stories instead for a minute and maybe come back tomorrow. I won't think any less of you. MWAH!!! xox 

My body rejected it all. In the most explosive of ways. In fact it is still rejecting it in the most explosive of ways. From top and bottom. My stomach feels like I am in the throws of labour and I am quite frankly feeling like I ate a side of pig. You know like on Man V Food. (Hideous Show by the way, vile waste of food and horrific example to kids). This is not fun and is my body's way of telling me "ENOUGH WOMAN!!!". Definately time to listen and take this alot more seriously than I might have been. 

In fact I have even gotten into my pj's because my gut is so bloated right now that my jeans which are 2 sizes too big, are actually tight now. So are my pj's which are big enough to fit not only me but Himself inside them. (Yes we tried and yes it was funny). This is a really bad sign. This means that I have a build up of something nasty, bordering on Skunk Butt which is normally Himself's department (He being a severe Chrones sufferer). This is something that will take at least 48 -72 hours to get better IF I completely detox on clear fluids for the next few days. 

So in an effort to try and be a bit more normal I have indeed put myself back BEFORE the beginning when I started this journey. In fact last time I was this bad I was admitted in hospital, however I refuse to go because I know what to do and now is the time to really be serious and do it. There is nothing they can do there that I can't do for myself here in the comfort of my own home and for alot less money and not taking up much needed resourses and without being pumped full of drugs. Which quite frankly I can do without. 

Since I took myself off all the drugs I was on for my back last year and 3 days later was off my crutches and able to walk straight again I have no intention of going back to taking 30 and up tablets a day to fix something that I could've avoided in the first place. 

So me now I am off to the living room to curl up with a mug of home made Nettle Tea with honey. I am going to jsut curl up and not move for a while and hopefully I can get rid of what I have done to myself without any more permanent damage. 

So until tomorrow

xox Love and Light xox

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