Tuesday 29 January 2013

Day 16~17 Himself having tests and me pretending to be brave for him.

Evening Loverlies.

Sorry I have been very lax the last few days. Between me giving myself food poisoning and Himself going in for tests at the hospital today the last few days have been bordering on chaotic. Not in the fun way either.

So due to the nature of tests that those of us with digestive issues love to have and quacks like to send us for there is alot of swallowing of nasty substances to make our bodies explode and remove everything from inside us. It is a joyous time for us and not one that we care to share with those we love. Quite frankly most of us tend to hide , somewhere near the vicinity of the nearest convenience and set up camp for the next few hours.

Note to loved ones of people with digestive issues having this treatment :~ Just make sure they are keeping up their fluids and haven't passed out from dehydration, or flushed themselves away. Clear fluids are allowed so make sure you have supplies of their favourites. I don't suggest getting bottles and bottles of soft drink, but it is included on the list and if it makes them feel better to have such a treat why the hell not !!!  This stuff tastes like a salty vanilla syrup so giving them something of a treat afterwards is a good thing.

Oh and make sure you have a good supply of soft loo roll, yes it is an extravagance but they will thank you for it, even if you just buy a 2 pack. The other option of course is to have wet wipes the kind for grown ups not for babies. Trust me they WILL love you forever if you sort out supplies.

In as much as your partner will probably tell you don't worry about eating in front of me, it is really hard to do that when you know they can't, might I suggest a cup of soup or something similar if you can't slip away from them long enough to grab something more. This will help belay any feelings of guilt and will help your peace of mind. You can't look after your partner if you don't look after you.

Be aware that your partner may not want to come to bed when you do. There are lots of issues here to consider.
1. Their embarrassment if anything happens in bed because they got their foot stuck in the blanket and they can't move fast enough. 
2. Nerves
3. Fear
4. Not wanting to keep you awake with their tossing and turning due to the 3 above points.

It is very hard as the partner of someone going through this not to have that "Are you ok" look on your face from the moment it starts. Thrust me all that will happen is that they will retreat further away from you and you will end up feeling guilty that they are hiding their true feelings and wellness due to you being too pitying. Or you will feel pushed away and then feel resentful. Save yourself the bother. When they are around show them the face you want them to see. Happy smiling you. Nothing creepy!!! Just you though. If you need to hide "the look" go to the bathroom or the bedroom and give yourself a minute to get yourself back together.

Give yourself some jobs to do around the place. Different people have different stress jobs. Here are the top ones in case you haven't decided on yours yet.

1. Cleaning ~ Many people tend to start cleaning or stress spring cleaning. Vacuum if you must or do the dishes on your own or something but don't start a full spring clean. You won't finish it and you will jsut get annoyed with yourself that you started.

2. Baking/ Cooking ~ Some of my best recipes have come about this way. However some of the most nasty accidents have been caused this way too. Watch your fingers and No deep frying!!! seriously your mind is elsewhere so if you are baking put on a timer.

3. Chopping Wood/ Gardening ~ Boy does this work off the stress energy. If you are lucky enough to have a wood fire get in some kindling and get the logs cut for your winter store. If it is winter and you aren't a baker or a cleaner try 4 or 5 they're warmer!!!

4. Play Video/Computer Games ~ There is nothing in this world like blowing up aliens for stress relief. I suggest not playing something you get frustrated by so no major thinkers just grab a game that you can zone out on.

5. Hand Crafts~ If you don't have one you do, try something new or try upcycling something you already have.

6. Running/Swimming/Sports/Exercise ~ If you are so inclined, run, jog, go for a walk, use a punching bag, swim miles whater is your thing, do it.

(This one is at the bottom because this is not my thing and not one that I would turn to EVER not even in a pinch!!!)

These things are all ways of keeping yourself busy. Well at least your hands busy if nothing else. Just for the record, keeping your hands busy does not mean busy on your partner. You do this and all your hard work goes out the window. Trust me you won't be having any for months if not years after if you try anything during this kind of trial.

Your partner as well will probably go into either hyper activity mode or curl up in their cave. Don't make them come out of it curl up on the couch with them and watch a movie. If that isn't an option just make sure they are fine and check on them once in a while, get on with your own stuff and let them deal with this their way.

Last thing in the evening, make sure your grab bag is ready, you know your bag of goodies to keep you occupied whilst waiting. That is if you don't want to grab a drink or anything. A grab bag is important, it will contain the things you do when there is lots of waiting to be done. If you knit or crochet or do hand stitching bring that. A book or magazine is always a good idea, change both for parking meters and a cuppa as most hospitals don't do change or card machines. Oh and if you smoke make sure you have everything you need. Hospitals don't sell them EVER!!! Trust me ... I have to smuggle them in or pinch them of the doctors if I get low!!!

Shush with your comments on that little nugget I let you in on!!! You can't give up everything all at once. Ask Charlie or Robert they will tell you the same thing!!!!

Anywho that is the low down on what to do for you and your partner when they are going in for tests. This is important. All of it. I might seem like I am making light but honestly it pays to be prepared and aware of what to expect and how to cope.

So anyways right now I am off to curl up with my Loverly Himself. Who by the way said the quack for very gentle and bought him brekky afterwards!!! He was a bit put out that normally it is dinner first, but in these circumstances who's complaining.

Until tomorrow

xox Love and Light xox

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