Wednesday 4 September 2013

Steamed rice and veg 3 ways

In our house there are 2 meals per meal unless the kids are around and then its 3 or possibly 4 ... I prefer to put out food on platters at this time so no one feels weird for having what they want and if they want to try something new they can.

However on the days when it is just Himself and I the last thing I can be bothered doing is cooking something big and elaborate. Take last night.... his Crohns was playing up and I wanted something quick but not liquid with not alot of washing up.

I had bought all these gorgeous veg yesterday and wanted to make the most of them. Although to be honest I really kind of need them to last for at least another week... I sooo can't wait for the allotment to be done.

Anywhooooo ... I was exhausted after running around all day... having one of our sheep put down and getting other things done ... the last thing I wanted to do was eat ... but I had to ... we all have to....  So yesterday I decided that I would be a bit clever... as there were lots of bits of veg about that needed using before diving into the new bits I thought stir fry... and then I thought ... nah with rice or noodles that will take 2 pots .... I really really really didn't want to do any more washing up !!!

So what I did was pop the veg on top of the rice when it came to the boil... any green leafy veg went on in the last 5 minutes.

As is always the case with dishes like this though there is always loads left over.... in fact enough for 2 more meals and If you think for one second I was going to eat the same thing for 3 nights running then you is dreaming !!!!

Night 1 - I added a little lemon juice, some hot sauce and a little soy ... nothing fancy but enough to bounce the flavour a little bit

Night 2 - I fried off a selection of middle eastern herbs and spices and fried it off just to give it that extra kick.

Night 3 - Fresh herbs ... there is nothing nicer than adding fresh green herbs to a dish .. it livens up the palate and really gives dishes that fresh flavour.

Never think for a minute that food has to be complicated or that you have to spend hours and masses of washing up to get anything made in a hurry. during the week food like this is perfect if it is just you eating it. It can be a bit of a spoil depending on what you add to it.

either way it isn't hard ..

Enjoy your food whatever way you choose to have it.

xox Pam xox

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