Monday 9 September 2013

Carrot and Orange Juicer Soup

I hate waste.... can't stand it, it drives me nuts. When I started drinking more smoothies and juices it really bugged me that all that wonderful pulp was left in the juicer. The only thing different between it and the juice was that it had substance.

I thought about it for a while and one evening Himself and I decided to have different juices... he is fine with fruit and me I prefer veg. He made an orange, lemon and lime juice and I made a carrot and celery juice and to be honest that is when it struck me. Soup !!! I can turn this into soup !!!

And why not ??? all the pulp is is the fruit or veg with the water removed. So I decided to make a Carrot and Orange based soup .... and this is what I did.

Oh first off I made the base a couple of days ago and then got distracted!!! oops !!!! so I finished it off this morning instead!!!

First off this is the pulp with a little veg stock added and some spices to pick up the flavours a bit. I added flaked chilli some nigella seeds and cumin.
 It's getting close to when the stores run out and these carrots normally would get biffed but i thought why not add them too ... add a bit more to the soup.
 So i saved the last of the red onions as well chopped them all up and sauted them off with some olive oil.
 Once that was warmed through I added to juicer pulp mix to the sauted veg.
 you can add more veg stock to it if you want but i would suggest you don't need to add that much more.
 I popped the lid on and turned down the temp to a simmer and walked away for half an hour
 When i came back it was looking pretty good and ready for the next step...
 Time to blitz the mix !!! you can do as I have here and use a stick blender or chuck it all in a bench blender or put it through a food mill if you choose too.... whichever way is best for you ...
 I like either creamy soups or clear soups .. those in between tend to leave me feeling a little unwell .. texture is everything to me... so I decided to add some almond milk to smooth this one out ...
 A litre of almond milk I added and now I have enough soup for the next week ... possibly even to pop some in the freezer for again...

 This soup was great and I cant wait to find other recipes that I can use the pulp from the juicer.... This pot here has made around 4 litres of soup.... now that has got to be worth it .... best part is if i served it at dinner I'm not sure anyone would notice it is Gluten Free and Vegan ...

Catch up with us on Facebook as well ...I have started a support group there for people like me who have health needs or have chosen this way of life for what ever reasons and are sick of the politics of other pages.... so please feel free to come join us and contribute to the page you are most welcome  But I Can't Live Without Hollandaise

Until Next Time ...

Enjoy yourself

xox Pam xox

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