Sunday 15 September 2013


I have to admit this is one recipe that I really really really wanted to work out .... I LOVE quiche and I miss it soooo much. It truly is one of those dishes that is so easy to grab a piece of for a quick munch or make little ones for a party ... To be fair as well the amount of different falvours you can make them is in uncountable so I figured I really really really have to find an alternative I can make because if I don't I am going to go a little insane!!!

So I did .... and here it is ....


Gluten Free Pastry
 So I used HAZELNUT MILK but you can use Soy or Rice or Oat or whatever your preferance is 
 Chop your veg up into bite sized pieces ....
 Saute them off gently in a pan or pot
 Add your cream cheese to your milk
 and mix well
 grate your "cheddar"
 Make a roux using vegan spread or olive oil and cornflour
 add some of your milky cheesy mix to the roux and mix well until it becomes a paste and then add a bit more ... just like making a white sauce ... only thicker
 Once you have a very very thick sauce in the pot add your grated "cheddar"
 Roll out your pastry and add it to your tin or whatever you are using for your quiche... line the base with your veg ...
 and then pour the sauce over the top ....
 Pop into a 200C oven for around an hour or until the pastry is golden ....
You will need to let it cool ... preferably over night in the fridge.... if you cut it now you will have a plate of goo... thick goo but goo none the less... 

Please remember this is my first attempt and I will try another again in the future.... 
right now though this will fix my raving me thinks even if I have to wait until tomorrow to eat it !!! 

Just as a side note the browny colour is the hazelnut milk ... different milks have different colours and if you want your quiche to look more eggy add some saffron water to the wet mix or a little pinch of turmeric.

Until next time 

xox Pam xox 

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