Thursday 19 September 2013

Cuppa Soup!

It is getting chilly around here, I love autumn, actually I love all seasons, I love the fact we have seasons altogether but September comes around and all of a sudden the temp drops enough to notice.
To me this is soup weather. Running around all day and needing something quick to eat because some of us are very good at forgetting. I put this recipe together today to make sure this wouldn't happen.

I love soup I love thick soups and stoop style soups and creamy soups and cold soups and fruit soups ... but most of all on a day like today when I have loads and loads to do .. all I want is a cuppa soup. Something I can drag room to room with me and drink up like a cuppa tea or coffee... perfick for today ... and being as its the day before payday it generally means there is precious little in the fridge so chucking it all together in the pot sounds about perfick!!!

So here we go ...


I wrangled together 
BROCCOLI (or what was left of one)
 Me being me I chunk chopped everything and chucked it in the pot with a little vegan spread and some water
 after covering it and simmering it all for about 20 minutes you end up with a mix that looks a little like this.
 Into the blender it goes
 back in the pot and add almond milk
 then straight in my cup ... ready for slurping!!!
 When you are making soup .. use everything .. all the veg.. why waste anything ... unless of course its an icky bit and needs to be cut out... but honestly this was made stalks and all and you can do that with mushrooms and carrots and anything really. 
Waste not want not is a very canny saying and one that quite honestly is a big one in our kitchen. If I can use it somehow I will... 

This of course is me ... researching other recipes and working out modifications for much loved "traditional" recipes. Not alot of time for this at the moment what with Bloo and Perkle Foods being set up and off and running in the next few days taking this moment to get on with things and find some newer yummy bits and bobs is always something I like to do when I can. Cuppa Soup at the ready of course!!!!

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