Thursday 12 September 2013

Green Vegetables in a Creamy Sauce

I love creamy sauces ... in fact it is one of the hardest things I had to give up. I decided however to try something out. I found soy cream ... and yes I was very skeptical at first like many would be but then I thought, you know what ... if you don't try it you won't know .. so I tried it... and you know what ... it worked .. not only did it work but it tastes like cream but without the fatty residue left in your mouth afterwards. Which can I just say I never noticed until I stopped having cream and then all of a sudden I had it one day and it almost made me puke ... the lining that is left on the roof of your mouth is awful. Not something I ever want to put myself through again.

So my first experiment was to use up some of the green veg in my fridge. I am the only one who eats them really here so I thought best be getting at it before they rot. This recipe is what came out of that experiment.

Green Vegetables in a Creamy Sauce

I got together my ingredients first ... 
Green Pepper
Soy Cream
(I know there is Hazelnut milk in the pic but i didn't end up using it) 
Chilli Flakes
 In a pan I melted a spoonful of vegan spread and a spoon of olive oil
 Whilst that was melting I chopped up my veg... I like mine chunky anything little tends to go soggy and that's just nasty!!!
 Roughly chopped the garlic
 Once the oil was melted I tossed in the veg and garlic to saute gently... I also at this point added the chilli flakes and a little dried thyme and the "cream" and simmered for about 5 minutes....

 Not too shabby right !!!???!!! and I have to admit it was lush!!!!
I know people say cream sauces can be tasteless and you would be right however I think if you saute your veg properly make sure you use enough seasoning ... there is no reason it cant be one of the loverliest meals ever!!! I have to admit as well ... anything that takes the 10 minutes it takes to cook rice to make is ok in my book and quite frankly this is one of those dishes. 

Go I hope you enjoy and if you work out a different way to do it please do share I would love to hear it.

Until next time

xox Pam xox 


  1. Great post Pam, must give it a go, looks delicious! if you've no nut allergies, have you used homemade cashew nut milk before as well? makes great cream of mushroom soup ^-^ and curry sauces xxxx loads easier than making coconut milk I found lol

    Inspirational! :) x Carol-ann x

  2. I haven't yet but I was thinking of playing with cashews really soon .... have been building up a stock of them over the last few weeks ... well those that have survived the midnight munchies might just end up in an experiment with cashew nut milk or "cheese" thanks hunny xoxox
