Wednesday 21 August 2013

Sugar and Caffeine Detox Day 5

Today has been an interesting one. I have now been 5 days without fizzy drinks or any drinks with sugar in them. The only sugar I have had has been in a beautiful Key Lime and Lemon Pie that my best friend made me last night and to top it off I had my 2nd coffee in 4 days as well. So cutting things out without kicking myself is going well. I have to admit though there have been .... interesting and very painful side effects from this.

I will try not to be too graphic but this blog is about honesty so I won't lie.

1. 3 Day Migraine
2. Dizziness
3. Blurred Vision
4. Stomach Cramping
5. Bloating
6. Nausia
7. Shaking
8. The feeling of not being "with it"
9. Numerous trips to the bathroom
10. Cravings
11. Lack of energy.
12. Fragile
13. (This one is weird but I'll do my best) I really want a hug but go away don't touch me !!! 

This is a very painful and slow process and although it is I am keeping in mind that each day of this is one less day I have to go through. Many web sites tell you not to go cold turkey on sugar because your body will rebel. I don't think I have gone cold turkey on all sugars but processed sugar I certainly have dropped out of my diet as much as is possible.

Being able to drink juice whether it is fresh and already bottled not from concentrate of course or whether I have made it myself, not only seems to have the effect of curbing serious cravings but also in stopping me wanting to eat something for the sake of it.

Switching to herbal teas has been awesome, I prefer the fruit teas to be honest and can't drink Chamomile anyway due to it stopping me being able to breathe properly. Cold water has also become a favourite as long as it has either ice or is out of the fridge. To be honest Warm water is quite awesome on its own as well. Who'da thunk it ???

Thankfully those I spend the most time with have been awesome and supportive and that is so important.  If you don't have support from those who love you the most then obviously they don't love you. Harsh but true!!!

Something that really hit home to me today was a visit to a Byband meeting for those who are going into surgery due to not being able to loose weight any other way or control their eating. It was taken for granted that myself and my friend were there because we were having the op. and even though we made it very clear we were there to support her mother-in-law it didn't seem to sink in with them .

What these people will put themselves through and have done in some cases in severe and frightening. What I do know is this. If I do not manage to put this way of eating seriously into practice is that one day I will be under the knife as well. Not to have a band or a gastric bypass but due to the IBS and Diverticulitis. I don't know about you but that prospect leaves me cold. The side effects and complications are not worth the risk, or that bar of Turkish Delight that is calling my name right now!!!

I am not in any way going to pretend that this is going to be easy. It really isn't. I only hope that through traveling through this scary path with me that some of you won't feel as alone and maybe you might realise that someone does get it and isn't making it pretty for you just so you don't feel bad.

As long as we all keep in mind this is a daily challenge. Waking up every morning and realising you have another gift of a day is a great thing. Use that gift to its greatest potential and make sure because of your actions today that you will have plenty more after this one. I am going to do my best to make sure I stay in one piece for a loooooooooooong time to come.

Until next time

xox Pam xox

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